Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 42nd Agronomy Society Conference held at Lincoln, Canterbury in 2012. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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Agronomy Society Papers
Sweetpotato cultivar response to prolonged drought
S.L. Lewthwaite and C.M. Triggs pp. 1-10
Validation of a Forage Brassica Calculator for fertiliser forecasting system of kale and swede crops in New Zealand
E. Chakwizira, A. Fletcher and R.F. Zyskowski pp. 11-22
Screening cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) germplasm for canopy maintenance under water stress
L.L.M. Pungulani, J.P. Millner and W.M. Williams pp. 23-32
Sowing date effects on timing of growth stages, yield and oil content of potential biodiesel crops
V.T. Fasi, R.J. Martin, B.M. Smallfield and B.A. McKenzie pp. 33-42
Dry matter accumulation of faba bean sown at different sowing dates in Canterbury
Martini, M.Y., B.A. McKenzie, D.J. Moot and G.D. Hill pp. 43-51
Sprout development of seed potato tuber after different storage conditions
J.S. Oliveira, D. Moot, H.E. Brown, A. Gash and S. Sinton pp. 53-58
Nodulised Stack Dust (NSD) as a Lime and Potassium Source for Grapes
M. Craighead pp. 59-76
Irrigation management of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) seed crops
R.J. Chynoweth, M.P. Rolston and B.L. McCloy pp. 77-85
Seed Symposium Papers
Problems and progress for organic seed production
C.N. Merfield pp. 89-102
The effect of a nodulating enhancer on marrowfat pea plant development, seed yield and size
J.M. Townshend and J.M. Boleyn pp. 103-110
Crop management strategies to improve forage rape seed yield
J.A.K. Trethewey pp. 111-117
Italian ryegrass seed yield: trinexapac-ethyl and closing date interaction
M.P. Rolston, J.A.K.Trethewey, R.J. Chynoweth and B.L. McCloy pp. 119-127
Ensuring the long term viability of the New Zealand seed industry
J.G. Hampton, M.P. Rolston, N.B. Pyke and W. Green pp. 129-140
Control of blind seed disease (Gloeotinia temulenta) in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed crops and implications for endophyte transmission
R.J. Chynoweth, M.P. Rolston, M. Kelly & N. Grbavac pp. 141-148
Microbial inoculation of seed – issues and opportunities
M. O’Callaghan, D. Wright, J. Swaminathan, S. Young and P. Wessman pp. 149-154
Can crop rotation reduce inoculum of the carrot pathogen Alternaria radicina?
J. G. Hampton, R.S. Trivedi and J.M. Townshend pp. 155-162
Seed longevity of some cropping weeds in several New Zealand soils
C.A. Dowsett and T.K. James pp. 163-170
Changes in trypsin inhibitory activity of developing seed parts and pod of red kidney bean
H. Alizadeh, D.W.M. Leung and Y. Edwards pp. 171-180
Cardinal temperatures and thermal time requirements for germination of forage brassicas
M. Andreucci, A.D. Black and D.J. Moot pp. 181-191
Is targeted modification of cytokinin regulatory gene activity in Rapid Cycling Brassica rapa an appropriate model for forage brassica, B. napus?
P.E. Jameson, D. J. O’Keefe and J. Song pp. 193-204