Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 14th Agronomy Society Conference held at Hamilton, Waikato in 1984. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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President's invitation address: resource allocation and institutional arrangements for food and forage crop breeding in New Zealand
T.P. Palmer pp. 1-8
Analysis of the control of crop growth by nutrient supply
J.G. Buwalda pp. 9-16
An evaluation of the nitrate sap test for use on spring-sown wheat
N.J. Withers and F. Palenski pp. 17-21
The effect of nitrogen management and paddock history on barley growth and yield
S.B. lsmail and N.J. Withers pp. 23-30
The effects of four nitrogen fertilizers and the timing of their application on grain yield in winter-sown wheat
R.C. Stephen, D.J. Saville and T.N. Kemp pp. 31-34
Barley responses to nitrogen fertiliser in Otago and Southland
W.H. Risk, G.G. Cossens, S.F. Crosbie and P.B. Greenwood pp. 35-38
Prospects for renewed cereal grain production in the northern North Island
J.A.D. Anderson and J.M. McEwan pp. 39-41
Cultivar evaluation for disease and yield delivery index in winter-sown wheat recommended list trials
P.A.G. Elmer and R.G. Gaunt pp. 43-46
The use of nearest neighbour (nn) models in field trials
D. Baird pp. 47-50
Nearest neighbour analysis of two barley trials
R.B. Wynn-Williams, G.E. Ovenden and E. Stevenson pp. 51-53
Summer forage production from field peas
S.D. Armstrong, W.A. Jermyn, A.C. Russell and R.A. Banfield pp. 55-56
The efficacy of substituting field crops for pasture for flushing ewes
K.T. Jagusch, K.S. MacLean and B. Dow pp. 57-59
Autumn-sown forage legumes for intensive arable cropping systems
C.G. Janson pp. 61-64
The prediction of cool-season forage oat yield using temperature and solar radiation data
K.A. Hughes, A.J. Hall, P.W. Gandar, J.P. Kerr and N.J. Withers pp. 65-69
Analysis of responses of field peas to irrigation and sowing date 1. Conventional methods
D.R. Wilson, P.D. Jamieson and R. Hanson pp. 71-74
Analysis of responses of field peas to irrigation and sowing date 2. Models of growth and water use
P.D. Jamieson, D.R. Wilson and R. Hanson pp. 75-81
Modelling tillering and yield formation in spring-sown Karamu wheat
P.W. Gandar, D.S. Bertaud, J.A. Cleghorn, N.J. Withers and T.W. Spriggs pp. 83-88
Modelling tillering and yield formation in spring-sown Mata barley
P.W. Gandar and D.S. Bertaud pp. 89-94
Nitrogen uptake and transfer from spring-sown lupins, barley or fallow to a ryegrass test crop
B.A. McKenzie and G.D. Hill pp. 95-99
Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer application
L.G. Hernandez and G.D. Hill pp. 101-104
The culture and yield of sorghum for forage and sugar in Northland
G.J. Piggot and C.A. Farrell pp. 105-109
The establishment and yield of paspalum in Northland
G.J. Piggot pp. 111-115
Potential evapotranspiration and pasture growth in Canterbury
R.J. Martin pp. 117-124
The use of a microcomputer for pasture management on a sheepfarm in the pumice country
J.A. Baars, M. Hanna and L. Hill pp. 125-129
Effects of rotational grazing and set stocking on pasture production under sheep grazing
J.A. Baars, K.T. Jagusch, R.A. Littler and P.A. Farquhar pp. 131-134