Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 16th Agronomy Society Conference held at Epsom, Auckland in 1986. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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Agronomy Society Papers
Sweet corn as a processing crop in the Manawatu
I.R. Brooking and H.G. McPherson pp. 1-5
Growth and development of hybrid squash (Cucurbita maxima L.) in the field
J.G. Buwalda and R.E. Freeman pp. 7-11
Performance of asparagus cultivars in Central Otago
D.W. Brash and W.T. Bussell pp. 13-15
Major diseases of asparagus in New Zealand
P.G. Falloon and K.G. Tate pp. 17-28
The effect of sowing date and population on yield of lentils (Lens culinaris Medik)
B.A. McKenzie, G.D. Hill, J.G.H. White, G. Meijer, G. Sikken, A. Nieuwenhuyse and A.G. Kausar pp. 29-33
The effect of intercropping oats and a legume on nitrogen economy
M.T. Hassan, G.D. Hill and B.G. Love pp. 35-39
Evaluation of new forage brassica cultivars on the Central Plateau
N .S. Percival, D.I. Bond and R.M. Hunter pp. 41-48
A comparison of six cultivars of forage rape over a range of sowing dates in Canterbury
R.A. Banfield and M.B. Rea pp. 49-53
Evaluation of sainfoin cultivars on the Central Plateau
N.S. Percival and L.J. Cranshaw pp. 55-57
Techniques for measuring the root growth of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) dominant pasture under contrasting spring managements
C. Matthew, A. D. Mackay and A.C.P. Chu pp. 59-64
Initial development of the 'potential growth rate' concept for estimating pasture growth on farms across Northland
G.J. Piggot, J.A. Baars, J.E. Waller and C.A. Farrell pp. 65-69
Special symposium: Onion Physiology and Production
Development of the New Zealand onion industry
R.J. Wood and G.J. Wilson pp. 73-75
The New Zealand onion industry - where do we go from here?
A.G. Wilcox pp. 77
The effects of light on bulbing in onions
D.S. Bertaud pp. 79-86
Towards a descriptive framework for the growth of onions
J.E. Lancaster and P.W. Gandar pp. 87-92
The effects of temperature and photoperiod on onion bulb growth and development
J.M. de Ruiter pp. 93-100
Towards a prediction of yield, bulb size distribution and time to maturity in onion crops
J.E. Lancaster, C.M. Triggs and L. Barrett pp. 101-105
Onion bulb composition and onion bulb firmness
J.D. Mann, J.H. Monro and D.R. Grant pp. 107-110
Diseases of onions in New Zealand
R.A. Fullerton, A. Stewart, C.N. Hale and R.J. Wood pp. 111-114
Onion breeding in the DSIR
D. Grant and B. Carter pp. 115-117