Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 18th Agronomy Society Conference held at Havelock North, Hawkes Bay in 1988. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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Presidential address: Maintaining agricultural production
H.A. Eagles pp. 1-3
Rate and duration of grain growth in several wheat cultivars
P.D. Jamieson and D.R. Wilson pp. 5-6
Agronomic uses of a model of wheat growth, development and water use
P.D. Jamieson and D.R. Wilson pp. 7-10
A survey of the variability in yield and quality of malting barley in the Rangitikei region
J.M. de Ruiter, I.R. Brooking, R.M. Haslemore and R.A. Carran pp. 11-21
The effect of sowing time and cultivar on barley yield and quality
T.L. Knight, R.J. Martin and E.G. Drewitt pp. 23-28
Malting barley - an evaluation of the factors affecting yield and quality
M.Y. Chen, S.D. Newton and N.J. Withers pp. 29-31
Root distributions and their interactions with the soil
K.A. Hughes and R.H. Wilde pp. 33-36
The physiology of phosphorus and its relevance to phosphorus efficiency in white clover
A.L. Hart pp. 37-40
Proton extrusion, ph, potassium, potentials and phosphate porters: a description of the factors important in the transport of phosphate across membranes of plant roots
J. Dunlop pp. 41-45
The response of six legume cultivars to increasing severity of climate in South Island high country
P .D. Enright and M.J.S. Floate pp. 47-51
Performance of Lotus corniculatus cultivars and lines in an altitudinal sequence on the east Otago plateau
W.J. Fraser, J.M. Keoghan and R.P. Heenan pp. 53-57
Evaluation of cultivar purity in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) seed lots
J.E. Miller and J.G. Hampton pp. 59-63
A Grasslands Division programme to breed a white clover with improved phosphate nutrition
J. Dunlop, G.S. Wewala, J.R. Caradus, A.D. Mackay, M.G. Lambert, A.L. Hart, J. Van den Bosch, M.C.H. Mouat and M.J.M. Hay pp. 71-74
Alternative forage species for Hawkes Bay
G.J. Rys, N. Smith and M.W. Slay pp. 75-80
Herbage accumulation patterns of pastures at various sites in Northland
G.J. Piggot pp. 81-84
Nitrogen fertilizer responses on Gisborne-East Coast pastures
C.J. Korte pp. 85-88
Potential for sunflower production in Canterbury
D.R. Wilson, M. Robson and T .C. Heaton pp. 89-95
Oilseed rape: the effects of rate, timing and form of Nitrogen applications on a depleted Lismore soil
M.J. Daly and R.J. Martin pp. 97-102
Interactions between potassium, sulphur and phosphorus on volcanic soils of Gisborne/East Coast hill country
M.H. Gray, C.J. Korte and M.B. O'Connor pp. 103-106
Sprouting radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seed production effects of crop manipulation
J.G. Hampton and K.A. Young pp. 107-113
Nutrient influence on storage quality of kiwifruit
M. Prasad, G. King and M. Spiers pp. 115-118
Comparison of predicted and actual yields of asparagus
W.T. Bussell, P.G. Falloon and E. Stevenson pp. 119-121
Asparagus management practices on a flood irrigated light soil
K.E. Carter, D. Saville and R. Stoker pp. 123-127
Modelling of long term asparagus production based on first year yields- possibilities and limitations
W.T. Bussell, P.G. Falloon and E. Stevenson pp. 129-132
A minimum plot size for asparagus clonal trials
A.S. Nikoloff and P.G. Falloon pp. 133-135
Effect of nitrogen fertiliser management on yield and quality of five potato cultivars
J.V. Admiraal pp. 137-142
Soil requirements of blueberries in relation to their nutrition
R.J. Haynes pp. 143-147
Nutrition of apple orchards: nutrient budgets and their relation to fertiliser requirements
R.J. Haynes pp. 149-153