Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 31st Agronomy Society Conference held at Lincoln in 2001. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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A predictive model of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) yield
M.R. Anwar, B.A. McKenzie, G.D. Hill and P.L. Peri pp. 1-11
Methods for analysing multi-site plant variety trials. I. Estimating genotypic means at each site
G. Ye, D.L. Mcneil and G.D. Hill pp. 13-24
Methods for analysing multi-site plant variety trials. II. Selection for yield and stability
G. Ye, D.L. Mcneil and G.D. Hill pp. 25-33
Process of technology transfer at the start of the 21st Century
I.L. Ennis, W.T. Bussell, G.J. Pringle and F.A. Perry pp. 35-38
Molecular mapping of durable stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis West.) resistence gene(s) in wheat
M. Imtiaz, M. Ahmad, M. Cromey, J. Hampton and D. McNeil pp. 39-44
Nutrient and water effects on grain production in wheat - a combined model approach
P.D. Jamieson, J.B. Reid, S.K. Halse, C.S. Tregurtha and R.J. Martin pp. 45-52
Magnesium deficiency in crops and its relevance to arable farming in New Zealand - a review
M. Craighead pp. 53-62
Responses to magnesium fertilisers in wheat in Mid Canterbury
M.D. Craighead and R.J. Martin pp. 63-70
Effect of fertiliser rate and type on the yield and nitrogen balance of a Pukekohe potato crop
R.J. Martin, M.D. Craighead, P.H. Williams and C.S. Tregurtha pp. 71-80
Methods of estimating the amount of N required by a potato crop
R.J. Martin, M.D. Craighead, P.D. Jamieson and S.M. Sinton pp. 81-86
The influence of nitrogen and sulphur fertiliser on amino acid composition of wheat and barley grain
J.M. de Ruiter and D.P. Karl pp. 87-98
Growth potential of spring forage cereals for silage
J.M. de Ruiter pp. 99-107
An introduction to the analysis of agricultural systems
P.D. Kemp, D.J. Horne, J.I. Reid and I.M. Brookes pp. 109-114
Wheat yield responses to potassic fertiliser on Canterbury arable soils
R.C. Stephen pp. 115-119
Some factors affecting seed quality during the mechanical threshing of dwarf French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
M.M. Greven, B.A. McKenzie, J.G. Hampton, M.J. Hill and G.D. Hill pp. 121-126