Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 25th Agronomy Society Conference held at Lincoln, Canterbury in 1995. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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Applied nitrogen and seed nitrogen effects on growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings prior to emergence: importance of water uptake
M. Andrews, M. Lieffering, B.A. McKenzie and A.V. Jones pp. 1-6
Improving quality characteristics of white clover
J.R. Caradus, W. McNabb, D.R. Woodfield, G.C. Waghorn and R. Keogh pp. 7-12
Response of pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to irrigation, sowing date and inoculation
H.K. Dapaah, B.A. McKenzie and G.D. Hill pp. 13-19
Quality assurance in the New Zealand milling wheat crop
W.B. Griffin, D.J. Penno, R. Bates, B.L. McCloy and T.N. Lindley pp. 21-22
How temperature and daylength determine flowering time in spring wheat - a discussion
P.D. Jamieson, I.R. Brooking and J.R. Porter pp. 23-27
Emergence of pasture grasses from different sowing depths: importance of coleoptile and mesocotyl width
A.V. Jones, M. Andrews, N. Bolstridge and S. Percival pp. 29-34
Effect of treated piggery effluent on pasture botanical composition, mineral content, and yield
H.T. Lowe, C. Matthew and I.G. Mason pp. 35-41
Effects of sowing date on ryegrass and tall fescue establishment by direct-drilling
M. Hamilton-Manns, W.R. Ritchie, C.J. Baker and P.D. Kemp pp. 43-46
Evaluation of the ICARDA cold tolerant chickpea nursery
B.A. McKenzie, G.D. Hill, R. Gunaratnam and A.V. Jones pp. 47-50
Quality control management of the grass grub microbial control product, Invade®
J.F. Pearson and T.A. Jackson pp. 51-53
Weed seeds in white clover and ryegrass seedlots: an aspect of seed quality
J.S. Rowarth, A.A. Johnson, M.P. Rolston and P.T.P. Clifford pp. 55-58
Effect of planting method on growth and seed yield of chickpea under rainfed conditions
S.K. Roy pp.59-62
The flowering pattern and seed development of Lotus species
K.J. Sanders and J.S. Rowarth pp. 63-67
Herbage production under grazing, of some subterranean clover lines compared with lucerne
M.L. Smetham .and D.W. Jack pp. 69-76
A review of legume introduction in tussock grasslands with particular reference to species tolerant of low nutrient inputs
J.G.H. White pp. 77-85
Fertiliser requirements of Russell lupins
J.G.H. White, P. Jarvis and R.J. Lucas pp. 87-90
Evaluation of rapid field methods for determining the nitrogen status of potato crops
R.J. Martin pp. 91-95
The effect of nitrogen fertiliser on the recovery of nitrogen by a potato crop
R.J. Martin pp. 97-104