Immediately below are PDF files of individual papers from the 17th Agronomy Society Conference held at Palmerston North, Manawatu in 1987. Please click on the title of interest to download the file:
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Agronomy Society Papers
Population responses of maize hybrids in the Manawatu
H.A. Eagles pp. 1-6
Effect of clonal selection and planted clove weight on yield of garlic
J. Lammerink and A.R. Wallace pp. 7-10
Nitrate assimilation in potato: implications for predicting nitrogen status in the field
B. Searle, M. Andrews, P. Jarvis and R.J. Lucas pp. 11-14 |
Effect of seed treatment on seed-borne Aschochyta of lentil
A.C Russell, M. G. Cromey and W.A. Jermyn pp. 15-18
Site variations in percentage of saleable yield of asparagus
W.T. Bussell, D.W. Brash and W. Stiefel pp. 19-20
Growth and regrowth of some brassica forages grown over summer in the Manawatu
S.D. Newton, A.C.P. Chu, D. Sollitt and T.J. Lynch pp. 21-24
Lucerne cultivar establishment and performance when sown after lucerne
R.G. Purves, R.B. Wynn-Williams and C.C. McLeod pp. 25-28 |
Some factors associated with poor emergence and growth of lucerne seedlings in soils from 'runout' lucerne crops
B.T. Hawthorne pp. 29-33
Virus resistance by genetic engineering: progress with white clover mosaic virus
R.C. Gardner, S. Harbison, and R.L.S. Foster pp. 35-37
Herbage seed: Towards the year 2000
M.P. Rolston, J.G. Hampton and M.D. Hare pp. 39-44
Puna chicory - a perennial herb for New Zealand pastures
M.D. Hare, M.P. Rolston, J.R Crush, and T.J. Fraser pp. 45-49
Silphium: preliminary research on a possible new forage crop for New Zealand
J.A. Douglas, J.M. Follett, I.R. Halliday, J.W. Hughes and C.R. Parr pp. 51-53
The effects of subsoiling compacted soils under grass - a progress report
R. Chapman and R.F. Allbrook pp. 55-58
Barley seedling establishment and infiltration from direct drilling in a wet soil
C.J. Baker, A.D. Chaudhry and J.A. Springett pp. 59-66
The relationship of coleoptile length and plant height with establishment of cereals under zero-tillage
K.A. Hughes and W.J.P. Mitchel pp. 67-70
The effects of starter fertiliser and methods of application on direct seeded crops
M.A. Choudhary pp. 71-75
A field programme for evaluating direct drilling technology
W.R. Ritchie and C.J. Baker pp. 77-82
Special symposium: cereal yield & quality
Effect of date of defoliation on yield of autumn barley sown on different dates
R.J. Martin and T.L Knight pp. 85-89
A comparison of autumn and spring sown barley on Lismore soils with and without irrigation
K.E. Carter and P.D. Fitzgerald pp. 91-94
Management of autumn-sown Rongotea wheat for high yield on light soils in Canterbury
M.J. Daly and C.B. Dyson pp. 95-101
The effect of time of nitrogen application on the yield and quality of contrasting cultivars of autumn sown wheat
R.J. Martin pp. 103-108
Grain yield and quality responses to early and late applications of nitrogen in three spring wheat cultivars under three irrigation levels
E.G. Drewitt and C.B. Dyson pp. 109-114
The effect of various fertilisers and the elemental components of wheat and flour on baking quality
J.A. Douglas pp. 115-120
The relationship between baking quality and protein content: some cultivar and environmental effects
K. Stevenson pp. 121-127